About UBSD
The Upper Blue Sanitation District (formerly Breckenridge Sanitation District) was formed in 1966 as a Colorado Special District to provide collection and treatment of wastewater to residents of the Upper Blue River watershed in Summit County, Colorado. The original oxidation ditch facility was replaced by the Farmers Korner Waste Water Treatment Facility, commissioned in 1974, and capable of treating 2 million gallons of wastewater per day. Today, the UBSD operates two advanced treatment facilities with a total capacity of 4.5 million gallons per day, as well as a decentralized facility in the Town of Blue River. In 2008 the UBSD treated and discharged 605 million gallons of water.

In addition, the UBSD inspects and maintains the District’s Collection System, which includes over 100 miles of pipeline and 17 wastewater pump stations. The District is staffed by 11 Colorado State certified operators as well as 3 administrators, and is governed by a five member board of elected officials.